Monday, August 10, 2009

A few questions for both sides of the health care debate

I recently sent out this survey to some of the groups advocating for and against the Obama administration health care legislation: I will post their answers if and when I get any. Should be fun!

I have a few questions that I can't seem to get people to answer on any side of the debate::

1-what is your group's solution to the problem of people with pre-existing conditions being able to get insurance?

2-what is your group's solution to the big problem of individual health insurance premiums that are always bigger than group plans [if you add in the employer contribution, that is] and the fact that so many people on individual plans can get dumped, while those in group plans are allowed to keep their insurance as long as they pay the premiums?

3-what is your group's solution to the two-year waiting period between starting off on disability and Medicare eligibility?

4-what is your group's solution to all the Medicare Part D drug plans that are extremely hard to navigate, the 'donut hole' of coverage being dropped between [if I remember correctly] $3,000 and $5,000, the inability to find any that actually cover ALL your drugs, and that it's actually socialized health care [as is Medicare, come to think of it].

5-what is your group's solution to the problem of private-sector bureaucrats who ALREADY ration care? do you prefer them to public-sector ones or what?

and the last question--how do you figure a tax credit is going to fully compensate people whose premium runs more than $1,200 a month?

Please don't feel singled out, I am asking all the OTHER health care advocate groups the same questions. Then I will compare them to the summary of the health care legislation, which can be found on Thomas, the Library of Congress' Congressional bill site, and make my own mind up.


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