Wednesday, August 12, 2009

First answer from the health care debate

I heard back from Kyrsten Sinema, who's running one of the health care groups on Facebook. Here's her answer just as she sent it:

think it would be best if you could come to a forum that I'm hosting (there are 8 around the state) so I have time to answer all these questions fully - at least as fully as I can on behalf of the White House, whom I represent here in AZ on the White House Health Reform Task Force.

Here's a website that answers most of your concerns:

I want to be clear about my "group" as you call it. We are state legislators who support the President's vision for health reform. We are not in Congress, so we don't write, amend, or vote on any of the health reform bills that are in the Congress. So my Facebook group doesn't have any solutions - that's not the purpose of our group.

One thing I can answer easily - the House, Senate, President, and insurance industry have all agreed that there will be no more discrimination against people with pre-existing health conditions in either the private or public sector.

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